Please post your thoughts on a Zoom meet up in June. What days are good /bad? Is Friday still working for people or are we looking to move the day? ~Joanie @ddindy @Tim @mSummers @Nancy AK @WDWFigmentGary @zackiedawg @gary @Jeff Krause @RedOctober25 @jbwolffiv @Scottwdw @ExploringWDW @donsullivan
June 11 (or any Friday evening) is still best for me. If the decision is made to change dates, Thursday June 3rd is the only date that will NOT work for me (as I’m hosting Trivia that night at the local bar/grill). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't have anything planned for any day in June except June 2 at this time. Once the ECHL hockey season ends and the playoff schedule is announced, that will change.
ECHL are having playoffs? The AHL skipped them except for the Western division. Teams are putting all their resources into a "normal" season for 2021-22.
@Scottwdw I believe they are, after the regular season ends on June 5. If they aren't, then I won't have any conflicts for the June zoom.
So it's looking like 6/11 is the day. The question remains, is 7:00 or 7:30 better for people? Joanie
Prefer 7:30 for me... but that’s because it’s really 6:30 cst. But as long as it’s not 6-6:30est I’m fine with either. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Check your inboxes on this site for the Zoom invitation. It's This Friday, June 11th at 7:30pm eastern time. I have it set so I will have to let you in. This will prevent people who are even weirder than us from joining the chat. @Tim @jbwolffiv @ExploringWDW @Nancy AK @zackiedawg @gary @WDWFigmentGary @mSummers @ddindy @Jeff Krause @donsullivan @RedOctober25 ~Joanie
Possible topic of conversation: "Yer gonna need yer neutral density filter to photograph the Harmongus show at Epcot".