That makes me think of a play area, and that it recommends a "total" child weight. ; So maybe HISTK playground at DHS? Sent from my iPhone...
Well you didn't say it wasn't a play area.... And judging but the rust on the bolt it's outside... Let's go with Casey Jr. Play Area at Magic Kingdom for a wild guess.
Hmmm...I think you might not actually be in a park! ; ; I may already know this one, but i'll wait and see if it pops into anyone else's head.
It could take 100's of years for the right answer to pop up. ; While I think about this one some more, I'll be playing my antique ; foosball game from the '70s.
Tim is totally in the right ball park, and it was big of Justin to not go right to the answer and let others play around. Yep, Mike, its at Pop.
Yep - I definitely know this one. ; I did throw the 'pop' hint, but kept it small. ; Now for the 'where' in Pop...anyone?
We have a winner! ; I took that from the balcony by the elevators, got a kick out of the suggested weight!