A little bit different, and alot alike..

Discussion in 'Disneyland Resort (California)' started by hulagirl, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. hulagirl

    hulagirl Member

    There are things I love about Disneyland and things I love about Walt Disneyworld. ; Each is unique and special and there is room for both of them in my heart. Sorry guys...waxing philosophical today.. ; (please try not to barf:))

    Haunted Mansion in CA is so beautiful on the outside:

    Not the same princess, but a princess nonetheless:

    I do love a happy ending:)

    There is evil there too:

    But good always wins...doesn't it? :-*
  2. scottoliver

    scottoliver Member

    This is very true. ; DL & MK are very similar, but there's just enough to set the two apart. ; Most of the differences are subtle, but a few stand out like the size of the castle, the IASW building, and New Orleans Square.

    DCA feels like it's part DHS, part AK and part its own (or at least that's how I felt about it in 2007). ; It's fun, but it doesn't quite have its own identity. ; Maybe the ongoing refreshing will help that.
  3. gary

    gary Member

    disneyland will always have a small special place in my heart, not because of any differences, but because in 1978 it was my very first disney experience. however there are just enough cool things at dl to make me want to shake a few corporate persons a little, and go "what were you thinking, dl does this so much better" and no storybook land, or casey's train in wdw is just criminal
  4. hulagirl

    hulagirl Member

    I so agree, Gary. :) ; Criminal I say!!

    Storybook Land and Casey's Train have been favorites of mine since I was a very little girl. ; But honestly...I'm kinda glad it's only at Disneyland. ; Gives me good reason to go back and visit there every few years. ; I so love the place..I really do. ; The lush surroundings, the flowers dripping off of everything, the way I can fall out of my bed and right into Downtown Disney..or take a short stroll to either theme park, the fact that I can even get to the beach in half an hour. ; There is so much about it to love. ; I think though, that it's the same for me. ; It's part of my childhood and I love it because of that. ; I was wowed by Cinderella's castle the first time I went to the Magic Kingdom...but everything else, I was always comparing. ; Disneyland still holds the edge for me.

    Pretty much talked myself into a trip out there this summer. :)

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