Went for a walk around Mudd Lake (aka Beaver Lake) for the first time today. ; Have attempted this many times but always got involved photographing something along the way and never finished the loop. Loop Trail [expando]http://www.sthomasphotos.com/photos/846331888_2PUCV-XL.jpg[/expando] Plants encountered on the walk. ; "Umbrella" plants (sorry, Roni, none of the volunteer naturalists knew what they were. ; Did you find out?). Unraveling ferns Young Maple Leafs
I still do not know what those little plants are. ; But they make amazing photo subjects. ; Here's my version: [expando]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2625/4512169729_e01b1371d8_b.jpg[/expando]