For those of you who use Adobe products. On Sept. 23 they are previewing what the new CS4 will be loaded with.
And once again they only come out with a 64 bit version of it for Windows. Despite the fact that OSX is basically native 64 bit (the situation is complex, a 64 bit version of windows is 64 bit all the way, OSX has some lingering issues), whereas there are few 64 bit windows systems out there yet. I'm not even a Mac fan (yet, give Microsoft time.. they can alienate even me), but this just seems like a slap in the face for Mac users. This really wouldn't be a big deal to any of us, I mean you could probably be using one of those $20,000 Hassleblad digitals and still not run into the limits of 32bit software (I think the limit is largely with file sizes, enormous image files could become a problem at 32bit)... but I just can't believe Adobe is giving more support to windows OSes than Macs.