New Park Bench Feedback Please! I wanted to see how topaz worked, so I tried it with this same photo. I like it, but I like the original better. i think this looks overcooked, even though I really turned down the preset. What do you think?
Both versions are cool, actually. ; No question, the Topaz version looks modified...but still has a neat look with more texture. ; Consider too with Topaz that you can fine tune the presets...I actually do this often. ; You can use the agressive settings like 'dramatic' or 'spicify', then go into the 'details' menu and turn down the detail slider. ; That will give you the contrast boosts and color changes that come with the preset, but turn down that 'overcooked' look on the sharpening that is typical with most Topaz shots. ; Unless you WANT that overcooked look, which is definitely cool sometimes.
I prefer the original. ; The topaz version really brings out the texture, but I don't like what it does to the colors on the wall.