in a press announcement from canadian olympic team officials in calgary, new recruits have been added to the winter squad, in a bold move to return to the podium in several winter disciplines, including ski jumping, officials have not released any figures yet, but the new athletes are rumored to be already competitive in their first jumps in a related announcement, as part of their training, squad hopefuls will be cross training in competition water skiing, when contacted, team captain, Cook D. Goosefat, stated, "hey getting up is the hard part, after that it's all gravy"
Oh Gary, you kill me! ; I can't wait to spend 4 straight days with you and the gang. ; It's going to be so much fun!
Shhh...please, keep the training location a secret. ; I mean, who'd believe this was near a certain city known for snowfall and has a college team named after a fruit. Really?
I know what I am getting myself into. ; At least if the past two years have been any preparation. ; It's always a great time.
Caught this Canadian Olympian warming up before the rigorous training started. Nikon D700/80-400VR, 1/1250s, f/5.6, ISO 720, EV 0, 400mm focal length.
The American team is practicing, but as you can see, they still need to get everyone on the same page. There's one in every crowd