Anyone have experience using one of these? ; Wondering how well they work; I do like to take some close ups on occasion, but don't want to spend the $$ on a macro lens. Canon 77mm 500D Close-up Lens
Hopefully Craig will chime in; I believe he's used close up filters before. ; They're basically magnifying glasses for your lens. ; I had a Hoya close up filter set back in the film era. Didn't use them much back then.
Roger is right. I use and love close-up filters. I use this set:
I see that the Hoya set has +1, +2, +4 filters, but I can't find out what the solo Canon is. ; I couldn't even find it on the Canon site. ; The price certainly seems right for the Hoya set.
From "Canon Lenses", a Magic Lantern book that predates IS....: the 500D is lesser power than the 250D. It has a focal length of 500mm, so you have to focus 500mm in front of the filter with your lens set at infinity.... So that's what I know.