... rmware.asp Well Canon is now totally weirding me out. ; They NEVER add new functionality to a product once it's been released. ; It just isn't done. ; But now they've announced that they'll be adding still more options to the video recording capabilities of the 5DmkII. Not a great expansion, but noteworthy nonetheless. ; First they added full manual control, something that I was certain they had intentionally left out to ensure the market for their HD video cameras. Now they're adding 24 and 25 fps recording modes. ; I'm hoping for 720p support, but no mention of it so far. 25fps is something that European users have been screaming for since the release of the camera. ; If it was intended for use by photojournalists, Canon made a major mistake in not giving it a 25fps mode. ; European countries use the PAL video standard, which involves 25 progressive frames per second, or 50 interlaced. ; It's almost like the 5D2 was released in a US only version worldwide. ; Not strictly US only, also Canada and Central and some of South America, plus a few other countries. 24fps is something very different. ; Indie filmmakers have taken to preferring to shoot in 24fps to achieve a look similar to the 24fps of motion picture film cameras. ; Even if they're planning to show the film strictly on video, starting off at 24fps and then converting results in an artifact that degrades the quality but which people have come to associate with the look of film. If you think that sounds crazy.. I agree. ; But that's the world of indie filmmaking, and it appears that the people at Canon do not in fact wish to coerce such people to use their dedicated video cameras instead of their video DSLRs.
IMHO, it's damage control. ; With the black dot thing right out of the gate, and the 7D needing a major firmware update right out of the gate as well...they don't want a black eye going into December's release of their new baby. Canon however, isn't like Sony, who hasn't put video on their dSLRs yet. ; I think Canon knows that people want the highest quality video they can get, and a 35mm sized sensor is going to be better than a DVcam sensor. ; Plus Red is still on the horizon with a "full frame" version.....