I use Photomatix Pro 3.1.3, then save to 16 bit TIFF (original are RAW). Lightroom for tone adjustments, Photoshop for local touch-ups. I used this tutorial to learn: Real World HDR http://www.kelbytraining.com/instructors/matt-kloskowski.html It focuses on making the photos look realistic, but also shows you how to make them surrealistic (more a slider and hit a different radio button basically).
I made an HDR of the France pavillion on a busy Thursday evening. In a way I kind of like the look of the people moving around! Its just a sample because I dont have a registration code
katie and tim, photomatix seems to be the hands down favorite hdr software out there right now lot's of pro's and not just kelby raving about and using it and i forgot to add, katie, that's really well done, i'm not normally a big fan of the ghosted people look, i like it either empty, or the way it was when i saw it and if it was full of people, so be it, but this is really really nice
Yep, it only gives you that preview. I'll put together a mini tutorial about for how I shoot for HDR, and then use PhotoMatix + Lightroom/Photoshop.