Are you looking for a webhosting service to run your websites? ; Give CIX Host a shot. ; Owned and operated by Sean Kearney (Sean&Karen 'round these parts) who also runs the incredible, CIX Host has been running The Magic in Pixels for well over a year now with 'nary any downtime and incredible support when needed (read: ; usually when I screw something up). If you want to sign up and go with CIX Host, you can USE THIS LINK to get started. ; Doing so will get you signed up and help The Magic in Pixels at the same time. ; Stop by and give them a shot. ; I am so glad that I did.[nb]Full disclosure: ; CIX has been hosting TMIP for well over a year and did not ask me to write this. ; It's just that good.[/nb]
Cool thanks for the links! I checked out their website and their offer seems real nice. I have also looked at ix web hosting and now I'm undecided which to choose. There are so many hosts out there that offer a pretty good package for little money.