Fire Stand-by

Discussion in 'Non Disney Photos / Mobile Phone Photos' started by PolynesianMedic, May 31, 2008.

  1. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Well while at work last night we got dispatched to stand-by at the fire in Hammonton. Fortunately I have started keeping my camera in the car, so I grabbed it and off we went. I know some of these are blurry but unfortunately that is what happens when you are trying to hand hold at some of these settings. Maybe I will learn more about the manual side of things for the next time. ... 6327_PfLZF
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. gary

    gary Member

    oh yeah, signal 13, structure fire, " be advised chief, pd already on scene and reporting heavy smoke and flame showing", words you never really like hearing when you sign on signal 2 to the scene
    the only response back is " 6-1-32 to 6-1-0, hold the first due for a full crew and an officer, everybody pack up, drop the 5 inch at the nearest hydrant and lay all the way in"
    if you can see it from home as you are leaving it's "county fire control, signal 24, mutual aid, 2 engines and a ladder to the scene, 1 engine to standby at base

    i had a veteran fire photographer tell me with digital, set the wb to cloudy, it brings out the orange of the flames more for contrast
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  3. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks Gary, I'll have to remember that for the next one.

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