Looking for something fun and creative to do with the kids the other night we decided to try our hand at LIGHT PAINTING. ; The basic setup was the camera on a tripod set in bulb mode- we shot between f4 and f8 depending on the light source. ; For lights we used sparklers, glow sticks, and a couple LED flashlights that can do different colors. ; Some of the Disney Light Toys they have also got some use- I have a strangely impressive collection of these. ; We also used a speedlight hand held just to freeze the action at times. Anyway- we took turns at the camera and at the lights. ; I should have found a better background than the house across the street- oh well- first try. ; The whole set along with EXIF is HERE.
VERY nice effort, jeff. ; outstanding. ; this is something that i have never messed with much, but once the kiddos get a bit bigger i might have to try.
these are great, especially the chilluns spelling out their name, every parent on here is going to want the tutorial
I'll just join in in expressing that I like these shots. Especially that first one. I've been meaning to experiment with this style myself. ; I have no kids to use as targets.. only a cat who, I suspect, would NOT appreciate being used in this way.. but I just want to experiment. I've actually got some shots that are faintly like this that I have yet to post. ; On a completely different theme, though. ; I'll get around to it one of these days.
Awesome job on those Jeff... ; light painting is something I keep thinking about trying but never get around to.