Fountain in Asia

Discussion in 'Disney's Animal Kingdom Photos' started by jbwolffiv, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    On the 3rd morning of Pixelmania my mom and I decided to walk the Maharajah Jungle Trek. ; We stopped to go to the bathroom and while waiting I noticed this fountain. ; I shot about 30 frames, but these were the two I liked best. ; Your thoughts?

    Fountain #1 by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

    Fountain #2 by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
  2. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    I like the second one better. ; The guest in the background is distracting.
  3. gary

    gary Member

    2nd that, the guest takes away from the image which is the fountain and nothing but the fountain
  4. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Now that I look again, I see that. ; I think when I first looked at it, I went with the bell shape and did not notice the annoying dude. ;
  5. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    If only you could PhotoShop the fountain in photo 1 with the background in photo 2. ; Other than two great photos, the guest detract from photo 1 and in my humble opinion, the glare off the water detract (just a little) from photo 2. ; But great photos none the less. Great catch.

    brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
  6. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    I agree that the guest is distracting, but John, as you did I didn't notice it. ; I saw the bell shape in the water first. ; Clone that guy out and that should be the better shot.
  7. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Thanks for the feedback! ; I will play around and try to clone him out, but all this post stuff is new to me, but only way to learn is to give it a whirl!
  8. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    I'm with the majority here, they're both great shots. ; The shape of the water in the first one is very interesting but the guest is not. ; Give the clone tool a try (or the content-aware healing brush if you're using Elements 9).

    We all have to be aware of the background when we're looking for that perfect shot. ; At WDW it's hard to completely eliminate people, but sometimes a little patience helps.
  9. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    #2 for me.
  10. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Re: Fountain in Asia - Fixed Annoying Dude

    So I played around a little and cloned out the annoying dude. ; Here is the result.
    Fountain #1 No Dude by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

    You can still see the color from his pants through the water but I am at a loss as to how to rid that (plus it is not as distracting as he was!)

    After that, I think I like the second one best after all. ; No dude and I really like the reflection in the water.

    The funny thing is I felt less in a rush on this trip since it was wall about taking photos, but I still need to be a little more patient.
    Thanks for all the compliments and advice!
  11. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    I like this a lot now that he is missing. ; For me, the lack of reflection allows the shape of the water to really stand out. ; Nice job!
  12. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    I like #2 better. I like the brighter exposure and the whole bell is there. On the first, a little bit of the right side is cut off.
    #2 needs straightned just a little.
    Great shots!
  13. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Thanks Jeff and Craig. ; I did not even notice that the right side was cut off! I really need to learn some patience, I am always rushing through the shots and not giving them the time they need!
  14. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Well to be honest, that fountain isn't easy to shoot. Since the first time I shot it, it's always been "busy"[nb]Usually an appendage of somekind is in the fountain.[/nb] everytime since.

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