GIMP Update

Discussion in 'The Digital Darkroom' started by Paul, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Paul

    Paul Member

  2. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Recently, an Apple patent was being thrown around the Internet about a Photoshop-like app. ; Wonder if Apple would sell it for significantly less through the App Store like it does Aperture 3. ;

    Did you give GIMP a try? ;
  3. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    I've been using GIMP for some time. ; The only thing missing is built-in RAW file handling. ; I haven't installed 2.8.0 because I never install a .0 release of anything, but now that 2.8.2 is out, I have yet another project for the upcoming long weekend.

    Be sure to install the EG-Copyright plugin which is, in my opinion, the best watermarking plugin in the world. ; And since it's a Script-fu script, you can customize it to default to the current year and your name.

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