Good attraction poster pics?

Discussion in 'Disneyland Resort (California)' started by JeremyES, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. JeremyES

    JeremyES Member

    I tried taking good shots of the attraction posters during my trip, and most turned out...okay given the lack of a tripod and the light conditions. I'm wondering if anyone else has good shots of any attraction posters, because I really want to make some collages with these. ... 164824222/

    On a related note, we finally started our collection of fine quality poster prints with this trip. Three down, dozens to go!

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. DisneyGeek92

    DisneyGeek92 Member

    I haven't gotten any pictures of the posters sorry. I keep meaning to but always forget.
  3. Scott

    Scott Member

    Taking pictures of the posters is a really good idea, and lots of fun to try and "collect" them all. We had a similar post way back in April:

    {Click here}
  4. JeremyES

    JeremyES Member

    Cool, thanks for link.

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