Nuts, isn't it? ; One side of me says 'cool'. ; The other side wonders if we'll even need cameras anymore, as you can practically make up a perfect photo out of thin air!
That is why I LOVE Photoshop. ; I can only take so so pics, but with tools like that, I don't need to be perfect every time.
Meh, count me in as skeptical. ; There's been some neat tricks emerging in the image processing world in the past few years, including some incredible looking stuff with intelligent image resizing that I wish I had a link for. But.. all I can say about this demo was that it was in a low quality, standard definition youtube video. ; And already you can see some issues, like how it did generate some patterns in the clouds. I look forward to seeing if this makes it to CS5 (I assume that's why this is coming out, to promote the new version?), and to playing around with it to see if it's really as all seeing and all dancing as they try to make it out to be. But just one thing.. that business with editing the tree out of the sky? ; I don't think it would have been near as difficult to do with currently available tools as he tried to make it sound. ; The gradient makes it a little fiddly, perhaps.. but I think all that needs is skillful use of a tool that's been out since before Photoshop even received the CS version naming.
WOW!! ; Maybe they will put this out as an update to CS4 so you don't have to buy the next version to get it. ; Wouldn't count on it though.
I'm learning PSE 6 a little at a time, but I would love this. ; I can't tell you how many shots I have with trash on the ground (sad, huh?) or various other things out of my control that I would just love to be able to erase from an otherwise great photo. Justin I hear ya. ; Sometimes, it seems we have a button for just about everything. ; The two sides war in me as well. It'll be interesting. ; I find I am loving the editing process much more than I expected. ; It's turned alot of previously mediocre shots in my library to something a little more special.
I could almost buy the whole "remove trash and tree" part, but the "replace road with desert" and "extend panorama" parts are so far beyond what I've seen PS do in the past that I have to wonder if this is some sort of April Fools joke. If it's real, it's real cool.
Re: Oh yeah. It's real. It's real. ; It's real cool. ; And it comes at a crazy unreal price. ; Take a look!
Hey, well will you look at that. ; Adobe finally came out with a 64 bit version for Mac users. I'm still skeptical about that content aware fill brush. ; That sample image is a blurry web resolution image.. can't tell anything from that. ; The fact that they picked an image with such low sharpness only leaves me more skeptical. Improved HDR support sounds promising, as does overhauled camera raw functionality.