Hello everyone!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by shianen, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. shianen

    shianen Member

    hello everyone! new here! this site is cool and very informative one. hope to learn a lot from you guys!

    see yah later!
  2. CameraGirl

    CameraGirl Member

    Welcome to the DisneyMagic community shianen glad you stopped by to check us out. If you have a free minute why not answer a few questions so our community can get to know you better?

    1. What's your first name?
    2. Do you have a nickname?
    3. What Province do you live in?
    4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums?
    5. Age (or age range)?
    6. Marital status?
    7. Occupation?
    8. Favorite food?
    9. What vehicle do you have?
    10. Which WDW park is your favorite?
    11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction?
    12. How often do you take a trip to WDW?
    13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it.
    14. How long have you been a Disney addict?
  3. Ham Ham

    Ham Ham Member

    Welcome shianen. Start the posting!
  4. shianen

    shianen Member

    thanks for welcoming me here! I can share the detail soon!
  5. highland3

    highland3 Member

    Hi Sianen!!!

    Welcome to Disney Magic! ; Where are you from... and all those other questions???
  6. Northernmouse

    Northernmouse Member

    Welcome to the forum shianen we look forward to hearing from you.
  7. mini-canadian

    mini-canadian Member

    Welcome to Disney Magic!!!!

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