Hello from Portugal

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Peninha, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Peninha

    Peninha Member

    Hey everyone, my name is André and I am from Portugal. I'm almost 40, so I grew up with not many cartoons on the television, but I did have a favorite show, it was called Clube dos Amigos Disney (Disney Friends Club) that was on at Sundays afternoon and I was waiting to see it all week long. It was a show about Disney and had some comics too, I loved it!

    Anyway, thinking of Disney reminds me of my childhood and my kids still love the classics. Off to the forums now, thanks for having me. :)
  2. ayesell

    ayesell Member

  3. Welcome! Happy to have you! We have many great memories of Disney! Always will to share ours and want to here about others too.

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