I know that they don't usually put high chairs in the rooms, but does anyone know if they have any available to be brought into the resort room? ; It gets very very messy to feed Kailey if she isn't in a high chair and since we will be feeding her breakfast most days in the room, well a high chair would work best.
Hi Minnie, Since we are in the same boat as you, we are very well experienced at baby needs. ; I believe you are staying at SSR the whole stay, so if your in a 1 bedroom or bigger there will be a high chair in the closet with the pack n play. ; If you are in a studio, you just need to call house keeping and ask them to bring one up. ; Also check to make sure your pack n play has a matress sheet. ; On many occassions we have had to ask for one. ; While go to the parks and restaurants, all of them have plenty of high chairs. ; One thing I'd highly recommend to you is find out where each of the baby centers are in each park. ; They are fabulous!!! ; They have several change tables, rocking chairs for feeding, full kitchen to warm bottles etc and staff there to help. ; Hpefully we will see you at the splash pad with Donald a week saturday. ; Rebecca loves the splash areas....
We might be making an order for the Garden Grocerer to have them deliver some healthier food options for Kailey. Not sure if you wanted to go in on that or not. Also are you going to make it for our one day meet Alex?
We always use Garden Grocer when were down there. ; We like them very much and its great to get things like fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, juice, and baby foods as well as diapers. ; Thanks for the offer but weve already booked it. ; Another option for beer, pop, wine and some food from SSR is the Hess across the street from DTD We are going to do our best to hook up, but we do have 2 other families that will be meeting us down there. So our schedule is sorta up in the air right now. ; I figured since we over lap at SSR, that would be a good low key place to hang out with the kids. ; I will be taking my laptop with me and will PM you my US cell number as we get closer.
That is good to know about the high chairs. ; We will have a 1 bedroom, so I guess I won't have to worry if there is going to be a high chair or not. They have baby centers in the parks? ; Funny what you don't notice when you don't have kids. ; I am sure that is the first thing I will spot when we go. And yes I hope we can get a splash or two in. ; I hope it won't be cold weather this year.