Hollywood Tower Hotel "RAW 'Idea'"

Discussion in 'Disney's Hollywood Studios Photos' started by WDWFigment, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. WDWFigment

    WDWFigment Member

    For those who have seen my Flickr photostream recently, I have been talking about this "RAW Idea" (for lack of a better term) wherein I invited others to process a RAW file of mine for mutual/group learning of various processing techniques. ; I'm fairly sure other photo forums do this (that's what someone told me, at least...), so it's hardly a groundbreaking idea. ; Just thought I'd let you know the "results" are finally on Flickr for the first round. ; Pretty interesting and informative to see how others processed the image, I thought. ; I learned a decent amount. ; Here's my shot, the rest can be seen in the captions on the image's Flickr page:
    The Flickr page can be accessed by clicking the above image.
  2. prettypixie

    prettypixie Member

    This is a very cool idea!
  3. hulagirl

    hulagirl Member

    Wow..what a neat idea, Tom! ; I love how everyone's perspective is so different and how each treatment gave the photo a different feel.
  4. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Cool idea, I'll go check it out.

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