11mm was almost too wide and I didn't put the horizon closer to the bottom of the frame. Ray and I talked briefly how the 18-200VR wasn't wide enough to get the high explosions at times. Well, the Tokina 11-16 probably could if I had framed these better. The first one I cropped to an 8x10 ratio. I used the bulb technique and a tripod. Thinking I should have gone for longer shutter times. Nikon D70/Tokina 11-16, 4.5s, f/22, 200 ISO, EV 0, 11mm focal length Nikon D70/Tokina 11-16, 2.1s, f/22, 200 ISO, EV 0, 11mm focal length Nikon D70/Tokina 11-16, 2.2s, f/22, 200 ISO, EV 0, 11mm focal length Grand Finale of the Holiday version Nikon D70/Tokina 11-16, 1/3s, f/22, 200 ISO, EV 0, 11mm focal length
I tend to try and get the horizon set right at the bottom of the frame. With the 18-200VR, it was still not enough to get the highest launched shells.