In the World with the dreaded Error 99

Discussion in 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' started by MrToad, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. MrToad

    MrToad Member

    My family and I just arrived at WDW last night. ; We headed off to Epcot this morning and I was anxious to try out my new 17-55. ; An hour into the day my 40D displayed an Error 99 message. ; I pulled the battery from the camera and it seemed fine for a few more shots. ; It became progressively worse throughout the day and is no longer working at all. ; I have tried different CF cards, batteries, and lens with no luck.

    I know there are much worse things in life...but it was really hard not to windmill the camera into the ground! ; I probably have 40,000 shots on the camera with no errors and now it has to die on the first day of my vacation?? ; I even took 300 pictures last weekend without a problem. ; Oh least my backpack will be lighter the next week. ; The G7 will get a work out! ;
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Error 99 means the camera is losing communications with the lens. ; I have heard that you can LIGHTLY rub the contacts on each end with a pencil eraser. ; Be sure to hold the camera upside down so no junk falls into the camera body. ;

    I have also read that letting your camera sit without a battery for 20 mins can help reset the camera as well. ;
  3. MrToad

    MrToad Member

    Thanks for the suggestions Tim. ; I found much the same on the net. ; It looks like I am hosed. ; Canon says to try without a lens and CF card and if it occurs then the problem is with the shutter, or with the main board. ; I get the error within three shots without a lens and card. ; It is a disappointment...but how can I be too disappointed when I am getting to spend a week with my family at WDW.
  4. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Ouch. ; I take it the body's not under warranty any more, is it?

    I forgot about the dreaded Err99....It's Canon's "not otherwise specified error". ; And if it's not the lens contacts.... :(
  5. Dan

    Dan Member

    Hmm.. a powerful argument in favor of making enough room in my packing to take my 30D with me as a backup for future trips.
  6. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    At least you've got the G7 along! ; One of the main reasons I always have two cameras - even if one is only my little subcompact, it's still better than nothing at all. ; There are days I may not feel like bringing the big camera...but I've had a sensor go many years ago on my advanced P&S just as I got to an event, and my little subcompact at least saved me and let me get some memories of it!
  7. MrToad

    MrToad Member

    My parents are with us and my Mom's first comment really need a second body. ; Thanks Mom...that's what I wanted to hear! :) ; I don't normally buy extended warranties, but I went ahead with the 40D because it was a big purchase for me. ; Maybe they will just give me a new 50D...although I would much rather have the 7D. ; Better yet, maybe they will let me apply the money to a 7D. ; If I didn't have so much money tied up in glass I would look pretty hard at Nikon.

    The G7 will be fine during the day, but I really miss the dslr at night and on dark rides. ; It was nice to run into MK last night without the weight of my camera bag.
  8. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Don't be afraid to stick that G7 on a tripod or level surface, and low ISO, and take some slow shutter night shots - it will do a great job! ; You may not have the high ISO night capability, but night shots even with a P&S using slow shutter and low ISO can be excellent.

    Hopefully, you'll get some resolution on the new body - I don't see why they wouldn't consider the 7D replacement if you're willing to pay the price difference. ; Good luck!
  9. MrToad

    MrToad Member

    Thanks Zack...I probably wouldn't have given it a shot without your suggestion. ; There were several nice ones. ; I was able to borrow a friends XTI for the rest of my trip so I am using it now. ; I am not sure that the G7 doesn't produce better shots in good light than the XTI. ; I might just be unfamiliar with it, but some of my shots are coming out flat. ; It is nice to use my lenses though! ; Last night I shot from the top of Bay Lake Tower and captured some nice firework shots.
  10. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Glad to hear it. ; Until a few years ago, I was still using an ultrazoom P&S - and though there were a few things I couldn't do with it, in daylight it could do just as well as most any DSLR, and some areas folks are afraid to use them, like slow shutter night shots, they can do amazingly well. ; I've got some pretty large prints I've made of night shots from my ultrazoom, and I haven't had one person yet identify them among my DSLR shots. ; DSLRs are faster, do action better, and have much more editing leeway, but if you get the shot right, even a pocket compact shot can compete with a DSLR shot!
  11. MrToad

    MrToad Member

    Luminous Landscape had a series of posts showing that in good light you really had to be a pixel peeper to see much difference between a good p&s and a dslr when shooting in good light.

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