The town I live in just had the Home Opener for a new Semi-Pro Baseball Team. ; I was lucky enough to get Season Tickets right behind the Dugout. ; Here are a few photos from the game... The New Team looks over the field... After the National Anthem we had the only Fly-Over fitting a Midwestern Baseball Team (and it was timed perfectly) I think I need to clean my lens because I got a Starburst effect without using my Starburst filter. STRIKE TWO!!! (Yes, that is the ball between the Batter and the Catcher) Strike Three? ; I was even able to see what kind of pitch they were throwing in a few photos (by the way the pitcher was holding the ball and "freezing" the windup). Can't wait to get to the rest of the games. ; Oh yeah, the Coach/Manager is Hal Lanier (MLB Manager of the Year in 1986 - Astros) & (1964 Topps All-Star Rookie - San Francisco Giants).
Great set. ; Minor league sports of any kind is a great entertainment value and a fun way to stretch your photo skills. I once attended an event with a similar flyover, featuring a prize drop. ; The winners were the ones that didn't get dropped on. ;
You are going to have a grand time. ; Might want to rent a really good telephoto for a long home stand. I like the "cheap" seats on the other side of the field. ; Looks like a family could have a grand time at a Cornbelters' game. Nice formation on the flyover team. ;
My Season tickets in the front row above the dugout are only $9 a game. ; The value comes in when sitting in the outfield (on the grassy berm - and sitting on a blanket) where it is only $5 a person. ; However, during last nights game, I saw a group of people sitting on the other side of the fence at the top of the berm ($0), they just don't get to participate in any giveaways or game-time activities. ; Overall, I think I ended up shooting around 1000 photos during the home opener that got parsed down to about 300. ; I probably won't take photos every game or overload when I do since there are 52 games in the season. ; Heading back again tonight and there are Fireworks after the game. ; FYI, you can go to my Flickr site if you want to see all of the photos.