It is not all lost! Whew!!

Discussion in 'The Digital Darkroom' started by jbwolffiv, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    As I posted yesterday, I have some good dust spots (actually I think it is oil after doing some reading) that have made some of my shots (out of some 2200) from my latest trip look horrible. ; An example:

    Sensor Dirt by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

    I really have little clue when it comes to post processing, really just in the very beginning stages using only Photoshop Elements. ; Well I just found the "healing" tool and that has allowed me to make some improvements. ; Here is the fixed one

    Sensor Dirt #2 by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    that's one way to do it but it can be a bit tedious in volume. ;
  3. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    I am finding that out. ; But I have many shots that I was just totally bummed about, at least now I can pick and choose which ones deserve the time.
  4. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    That stinks! ; I guess it's time to try and clean the sensor, huh
  5. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Ordered that kit today, hope it will be here on Wed.
  6. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    If the dust is in the same location before any cropping, is there a way to batch process the dust out in PS Elements?
  7. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Yep, the spots are all in the same location. ; I dont know about doing batch processing, have to look into that. ; The good part is they dont show on many shots, only ones with sky and other lighter colors.

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