As I posted yesterday, I have some good dust spots (actually I think it is oil after doing some reading) that have made some of my shots (out of some 2200) from my latest trip look horrible. ; An example: Sensor Dirt by jbwolffiv, on Flickr I really have little clue when it comes to post processing, really just in the very beginning stages using only Photoshop Elements. ; Well I just found the "healing" tool and that has allowed me to make some improvements. ; Here is the fixed one Sensor Dirt #2 by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
I am finding that out. ; But I have many shots that I was just totally bummed about, at least now I can pick and choose which ones deserve the time.
If the dust is in the same location before any cropping, is there a way to batch process the dust out in PS Elements?
Yep, the spots are all in the same location. ; I dont know about doing batch processing, have to look into that. ; The good part is they dont show on many shots, only ones with sky and other lighter colors.