One of my favorite invasive species to Florida is the Jesus Christ named for his ability to 'walk' on water: Their more official name is 'basilisk lizard', and they hail from Central and South America. ; They can get pretty hefty for a lizard - not quite iguana sized, but they'll grow to 12-14 inches or so. All these invasive lizards have just about killed off Florida's native green anoles. ; Even the invasive Cuban Brown Anole, which was primarily responsible for putting the green anole on the endangered list, is now himself being squeezed by the northern curly-tails, green iguanas, and basilisks. ; Though they are still quite populous and very adept at making new brown anoles (cover the kids' eyes please):
I always enjoy how intimidating lizards and reptiles can look, yet most of the time, they're really not threatening at all. ; All show, little go! ; Of course, alligators and crocodiles are a bit of an exception. Still, the basilisks' fin isn't quite as intimidating looking as the Godzilla spikes all over our green iguanas: And all they do is eat flowers!