Karuka Acrobats

Discussion in 'Disney's Animal Kingdom Photos' started by Roger, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    I think I may have oversharpened this one in Bibble.


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  2. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Some more Karuka Acrobats

    Got this group of shots processed.



  3. molander

    molander Member

    <clap, clap, clap, clap> I'm not sure which deserves more applause: the acrobats or your photography!
  4. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    that last one is awesome!
  5. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Thanks everybody!

    Here's the first one reprocessed in A2:


    And some more:



  6. goofy101

    goofy101 Member

    great set Roger
  7. Kiki

    Kiki Member

    Those are great! They are so hard to photograph, and you did a wonderful job.
  8. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Nice work- the last one in the second post is my favorite. (If I were in that position I would be thinking 'I will be waking up in the hospital later...") :eek:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  9. prettypixie

    prettypixie Member

    Great series Roger! Those guys are awesome.

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