Kris and Allie saying Hello:)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Mousemom, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. Mousemom

    Mousemom Member

    My name is Kris and my daughter is Allie and we met Tim at MouseFest during one of his meets. I have always been the person who took a bunch of pictures and every once in a while I would fall onto a good one. While in Disney with my sister, I notice she was taking much better pictures and we were taking pictures of the same thing and at the same time. She started giving me little tips and the pictures started to get better, but I normally fall back into my habit of not thinking about the pictures I am taking.

    My daughter Allie, seems to have one of those eyes. A couple trips ago her grandfather gave her his camera to take pictures with and again they were much better than mine. She has become very intersted in photography and our favorite place to take pictures in Disney.

    If you look through our scrapbooks you would think we live in Disney, all our pictures are from Disney with a couple normal life pictures mixed in. I am hoping to learn from this board to start taking those great shot all the time. What I have already learned from Tim at MouseFest has changed my photography.

    What are some tips to take great character interaction or just children in general pictures. I might have a chance to take my nephew to Disney next week for a couple days and he has only been to Disney once and I want to capture as much of the trip for his parents as I can.

    I am very excited to learn as much as I can, and I am looking forward to many trips over the next year to practice what I learn.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    hey kris, glad you made it over. you have a wonderful family and it was a pleasure to meet your crew at mousefest. for pics of kids with characters, just be natural and look for little moments of interaction, such as a giggle, or the character reaching out or the kids hugging a character. a 'posed candid' is nice but you want to capture the spontaneity (spelling?) of the moment as much as the money shot. say hi to the kids for me and i look forward to seeing some pics from allie. it was fun talking with her at the mega meet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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