Thanks- yes. Toking 11-16. I am really trying to force myself to use this lens. (It was the only lens I took to Epcot yesterday...) I find composing picures with a very wide angle to be a little tricky.
LOL- I set up the tripod and snapped the picture (long exposure) and the lightning flashed. I have two dozen identical pictures with no lightning trying to get it to happen again.
Other then the change to the insanely (ok, for DX anyway) wide angle, do you like it? I'm thinking of replacing my 12-24 with it. How's it do wide open?
Great shot Gdad. We had some lightning here the other day I don't know why I didn't try to photograph it.
I like it so far but still trying to learn how to put it to good use. Have not shot it too much at f2.8 but here is one time I did at Tokyo Dining. 16mm f2.8 11mm f2.8
LOL- Maybe common sense kicked in and you decided standing outside in a lightning storm was *not* such a good idea.
By the way- it works fine on my *full frame* F100- at least until about 13mm where it starts to vignette. 8)
Dude! I have no somber, serious words for this picture. All I can say is that is a SWEET shot! There is also an element of.. I dunno.. irony.. coincidence.. something.. I'm looking at the lightning shot as thunder crashes outside my window. It's like I can hear the picture. Trippy.
Thats really great Gdad! I have tried so many times to capture the lightning over MK. I have so many shots at f22 trying to keep the shutter open as long as possible. I have only succeeded once, but not at all like you were able to get! Beautiful!
For all of you who may live where you experince frequent lightning, here's something that might be of interest to you. It's called the Lightning Trigger. The website has all the information you will need to increase your chances of capturing lightning.