During my cruise on the Disney Dream, we made a stop at Nassau on Monday, May 21st. ; Look who was parked next door all decked out in the biggest bumper sticker I have ever seen. This was the Magic's last cruise based out of Port Canaveral before heading to NYC for the summer.
Nice - love the colors in the second shot. ; I have seen the Magic many times over the years cruising, but never with a bumper sticker like that! ; Looks like you weren't too badly crowded in Nassau - only 3 ships? ; I've been there with 5...though nothing is as bad as Grand Cayman on a 7 megaship day (Georgetown's population is about 20,000 - those ships each contain between 3,500 and 6,000 people, so in the vicinity of 30,000 people are unleashed upon that tiny, flat city. ; Imagine the population of your city more than doubling one day a week!).
We watched the Magic leave that night from our table at Palo and again the next night as it was cruising from Castaway Cay back to Port Canaveral. The only other boat was saw was the NCL ship out of Canaveral as it was cruising on the ocean.
Great stuff Scott! ; I hope to get some shots of the Magic during her time in NYC. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk