From outside BVG at the Contemporary Resort. [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
I got a picture of it too this last trip. I hate to say it, but the d300 did a better job than the d80. it was able to capture the colors better, and also able to expose for the highlights better. [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
My neighbors down the street have a framed print very similar to this except each Mickey is like a different color.
My thoughts exactly, isn't this fact a good thing? I mean since you are the proud owner of the d300 now.
I tried several times to get this picture with the d80. It never came out quite right. (always over exposed and underexposed and no bold color) I got this picture in one shot without even trying. I am happy that it was so easy, but it means I can take NO credit, and have to let the d300 take full responsibility.