So I got my camera back and was putting it through the paces to make sure that it was fixed. ; Don't ask me what they did because all I know from the paperwork that was enclosed was that they replaced the back and top housings and returned the camera to factory specs. ; SO, I am not sure that they have fixed my overheating issue, but we shall see. ; Anyway, I got off of the boat and looked back down the lagoon to see this wonderful sight and thought I would take a crack at it. ; I set the camera on one of the pilings of the dock, set it to ISO 100, clicked the shutter release and left it open for 20 sec. ; I have only cropped a little piece off of the left side, and that's it. ; This is straight out of the camera.
Great scene...I love shots of the moon low on the horizon. ; Very nice atmosphere on the still waters.
Thanks. ; I was really happy with this when I got the chance to look at it on the computer. ; I am always worried about how they look because I only have a small view screen on the camera and I have looked at shots that look awesome and when they are on the computer they area crummy.
I felt that this was asking for a frame, so I gave it one. ; Any thoughts? ; I wanted to add a little framing Devine to this, but I haven't learned just how to do that one, yet.
I'm not usually a frame guy...but I'd say that a dark frame like that works nicely, though might be just a bit more 'accented' with a thin yellow stripe around the inside of the frame to separate it from the photo - you could eyedrop the color from the moon stripe in the water so it matches nicely.
Looks good Jeff. ; I'll second Justin's thoughts that a thin stripe to separate the image from the background would look good.