youngest son turned double digits. ; I baked him a cherry pie instead of cake (at his request). ; I shopped for gifts. ; His dad decorated the mantel, which is our family tradition, and we wrapped his gifts in cheerful paper. ; Tonight, he asked for a breakfast dinner consisting of french toast, ham and eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit and orange juice, which we will happily make for him. ; He is soaking up all the gifts and attention in his usual sunny style, but you know what the absolute best part of the day is for him? ; What he will always remember about turning 10? ; Today, is a SNOW DAY!!!! ; We are having a storm that will drop a foot of snow on us, right in the middle of their school day, so he didn't even have to go to school! ; He'll spend his day today enjoying his new gifts - creating origami animals to stick all over my desk, reading a new book, destroying the coolest journal ever (if you've never seen it, you really should check it out, trust me lol) building legos, playing video games, and sledding out in the sticky, wet snow. ; Isn't it great being a kid? Happy birthday little man. ; Every day with you is a celebration of something...but today,, today is special. :-*'s a link to the really cool journal I told you about. ; Be sure to check out the user photographs for a really good of idea what this creative little tome is all about.