I had some family in town this past weekend, and they were staying at the Beach Club. ; They were facing Boardwalk, and one of our typical Florida storms rolled in. ; I got this shot, my first lightning shot, looking over the Boardwalk and the Studios.
Cool capture! ; One of those Right place, right time, right shutter speed! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
John, I actually missed the first 3 or 4 bolts of lightning, and by this time was getting tired of trying and frustrated that I had missed the others.
I have always wanted to get a shot like this, but have always missed it. ; I got lucky this time, and now that I know a little more about how to do it, I plan on getting more the next time that I have a storm here.
Me too, but since they had a small balcony overlooking the Boardwalk, I thought I would take advantage of it. ;
I stand out in the rain in the open surrounded by trees in bare feet holding a metal tripod during lightning storms, trying to get a shot! ; I'm desperate. ; ; Actually, it depends on the lightning...some Florida T-storms are predictable, lightning is primarily cloud to cloud, or the storm is distant enough for general safety. ; Other times, it's the kind that is dropping lightning bombs feet away from you, reigning down every 2-3 seconds, and splitting trees and blowing up transformers. ; For those second kind...I stay indoors.
Cool capture! In So Cal, lightening is one of those events that weather-casters will howl about: "RUN AWAY! DON'T GO NEAR IT! WATCH IT HERE WITH LIVE DOPPL'R 7000!!!" I'm with you. I tend to run *towards* bad weather than away from it.