My Morning Duck Hunt...

Discussion in 'Non Disney Photos / Mobile Phone Photos' started by RedOctober25, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    Okay, so I don't have the big guns like those up at Forsyth, but decided to go out my back door to shoot some ducks this morning after seeing a few Canvasbacks in the pond. ; They were a bit too skittish to get any great shots (and always headed to the opposite side of the lake no matter where I walked to). ; But I was able to get alot of photos of the local Mallard population.


    "Straigten Out..."

    "Wheels Down…"

    "I am Mallard, hear me Quack!"

    "Bottoms Up"

    "Running on Water…" (at least water costs less than gasoline…)

    "Up Periscope"
    - first time I have seen Canvasbacks on the lake. ; This one was just coming back up after a dive.

    as I turned to go back inside, I saw this little piece of urban wildlife...
  2. HW

    HW Member

    I like the bottoms up shot.
  3. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    My fav too!
  4. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    I have one shot of those three where the hen is "bottoms up" and the drakes are swimming in. ; You can only wonder if they were both thinking "nice behind..." (i'm keeping it clean for the boards)

    brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.

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