NY Post Subway Photo Decision

Discussion in 'Misc. Posting Board' started by fotodave, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. fotodave

    fotodave Member

    Okay kids, This is a photo forum and this is the talk of the photo world in the past 48 hours...

    You've got a camera and a man is pushed in front of a subway train. (Or WDWRR to make it relevant to here) You have 30 seconds. ; Do you take the photo or do you try and help?

    (Please don't confuse this discussion with the heinous decision by those pieces of detritus that put the photo on A1; its more suitable for 2 columns, inside, with a warning. ; The headlines just make it worse and show what pieces of crap the NY Post really are. ; I'm not going to post the cover, even tho its not graphic at all)

    So what do you do?

    Me, I say screw the photo and try and help.

  2. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    This is a tough one. Mostly because of my rescue background which may have taken over BUT a big caveat is to not put yourself in danger. ; ie don't need rescuing yourself.

    If it was 30 seconds I would have tried to help probably.

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