I'd like your opinion: Does this shot seem correctly exposed or does it look a little too light? When I process my photos at home, I'm using a calibrated monitor, and everything looks fine. But when I go to upload them from my work PC, they often seem a little overexposed. What you do all see? (Feel free to check my Flickr page for more photos. Hear the Thunder
it looks a little light to me, at least on the laptop screen, when i moved it over to the LG 5k display, which i did calibrate the other day, it seems just slightly darker. now as for my personal taste, i would have probably either reduced exposure by 1/2 stop, or possibly thrown a little light contrast boost at it. i work in lightroom so both of those things are easily available to me as already made up presets.
I'd call it correctly exposed/displayed, but leaning a tiny bit towards the brighter side. It isn't what I'd call overexposed, but my personal preference would probably be to bring it down just a touch more, maybe 1/4 to 1/3 stop on the highlights, to bring back a little more richness in the red rocks and the upper facing train parts.
Thanks, guys. I know exposure and processing are a matter of personal taste, but you've confirmed my suspicion that my monitor is leaning a bit toward the dark side. (I wondered why it sounds like an iron lung.) I'll try some adjustments before my next editing session.
I think it looks fine. I like my photos bright and inviting, unless they are supposed to be darker and more atmospheric. I would leave it alone.
yes it's bright and inviting, but to me the rocks just do not have that richer red tint i like, now maybe that's a situational bias given that i am typing this in arizona, but i if it were mine i would bump the saturation of the reds just a hair. an engineering measurement of said red hair
Gary, as a fellow member of the public service, I believe I speak for all of us when I scream "DON'T"!!!!!!!