National Parks and more... America is beautiful! Ended the trip in our son's college town of Appleton Wisconsin to see him play some college football... ; I love midwesterners... super friendly folks. Last year we did Yellowstone, Tetons, Badlands, Voyagers and more... Next year Glacier, Banff and whatever! Here are two of my favorite place... Antelope Slot Canyon in Page Arizona, if you are ever near there it is a must see. ; Heaven on earth. [attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
So that's where that canyon is! ; For some reason I thought it was in Utah. You'll enjoy Glacier National Park. ; You will.
I was thinking that the first shot reminded me of a scene from one of the Indiana Jones movies. ; These are both brilliant, and I would love to see what other shots you got.
Thanks everyone! ; Steve took that one with his tripod in place. ; It is indescribably beautiful. ; A sacred place for the Navajo. I will post more... I am currently editing around 12,000 images! ;
OMG...that looks amazing. ; Great photos!! ; I hope to one day get to see something like that. ; But I have been to Banff National park and it is really something to see. ; Glacier park will not disappoint either. ; I find that the mountains are bigger and more amazing in BC (British Columbia).