Pixelmaniacs...you've had time to recover from the no-sleep marathon. ; You've had time to load and work on at least some of your photos. ; You've had time to do chores, put up Christmas decorations, shop, entertain the kids or family, catch up at work. ; You've had time to catch up on e-mails, update Facebook, tweet whatever needed tweeting. "Wake up limey fish!!!", says Otto, smacking the water with the fish net. TMIP awaits you! ; Pixelmania forum has dozens of threads set up to share and enjoy photos from our various meets. ; And plenty more can be started if you want to post from a meet you don't see a thread for yet. ; It's been slow on the boards - Pixelmania hangover time combined with Christmas rush panic. ; Let's get back to TMIP, get your photos up, look at photos, share stories of Pixelmania, hark back to crazy times and memories, and let those who missed it live vicariously through your experiences!!
I'm STILL tired and I've only managed to process 1 picture! I've decorated the house and the gifts are wrapped but the xmas cards have to go out and the cookies need to be baked.... The boards all over the interwebs are slow so it's not just here... My first Pixelmania project is a photo report on my experiences photographing the Osborne lights using a lens baby! BUT>>> first I must meet my "Mom of the house" holiday deadlines. Tick, tick, tick..... ~Joanie PS. Tonight's post was brought to you compliments of hazelnut, raspberry jam thumbprint cookies cookies 12 19 13 by cardboardboat2013, on Flickr
Yeah, what Joanie said! ; Between working, being a daddy (x3), getting ready for Christmas, buying a tree (Griswold style), getting ready to sell our old house (FINALLY!!!), etc etc, I have only processed one pic as well. ; Hopefully I can get to a massive influx fairly soon.
Joanie, that's cruel. ; Don't go posting photos of cookies unless you're willing to back that up by shipping them to each Pixelmaniac. ; Or just to me - Tim doesn't need any more, he already ate your first batch. ; Boy, you people have such excuses...kids, family obligations, cooking...don't you just put some food in a bowl for the kids to nosh when they need to, and let them in the garage if it's cold out? ;