All that money for a bathroom? I hope that WDI spends like this on the things to come! Time for a Rest? by John Wolff, on Flickr
When the Magic Kingdom opens at 7:00 am on your trip and sunrise is shortly after that, you arrive by 6:30 am to be sure to photograph it. Then the clouds and fog wreck it. Early Morning by John Wolff, on Flickr
Sitting here on a cold February day makes me nostalgic for the warm Autumn days in Orlando. Shaking a Leg
Who says Fireworks Friday photos have to be taken a night? This one was even taken on a Friday! Faire Finale
Not only was the sunrise a big disappointment, somebody planted a big light pole in the middle of my shot! Anyone Have An Axe?
I haven't made it to any air shows so far this year, but at least I got this shot of a low flyer at Pixelmania. Flying Low
It's early July, so here's an obligatory patriotic photo. The only thing more patriotic than Fozzie Bear as Ben Franklin is Sam Eagle as Sam Eagle. Declaring Independence