Normally, we use our Canon powershot S5 IS, but after numerous trips and 1000's of photo's, I'm tired of toting around a big clunky camera. ; It becomes a pain when you're riding tons of attractions all day. Can anyone suggest a small point and shoot camera that takes great pictures, and decent low light ones as well? ; The only one I've found that I'm kind of excited about is the Canon PowerShot SD1000.
depends on how much you want to spend. ; if you don't mind dropping $479, consider the canon g11. ; i LOVE my g10 and use it much more than i had originally planned on. ; small, great IQ, and all the manual controls you could ever want, and it shoots raw. ; CLICK HERE
I've read some great reviews of those camera's but I think it's a little out of my price range. ; I'd be shot if I bought another camera at around $500. ; I'm hoping to stay int he 250 range. ; Anyone know much about Casio Exilim EX-FC100 Digital Camera? ; Seems to get decent reviews as well, especially for the price.