Recommendations for slide scanners

Discussion in 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' started by Donald is #1, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. Donald is #1

    Donald is #1 Member

    Does anyone have a recommendation on a good inexpensive ($500 or less) slide scanner that will scan both 35 mm and the slide format (sorry I don't remember the number) from a Yashika Twin Lens Relex camera? (maybe the format was 120?) ; I have inheritted all of my father's slides that he took over the years and I would like to start scanning them.
  2. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    For that price, Canon makes a flatbed with 120 adapters (along with 35mm negative and slide). ; Under $200 MSRP.

    I used to use the KonicaMinolta scanners, but Sony isn't supporting them anymore, so no luck with modern drivers. ; They did have a medium format one....maybe used you could find one. ; The dedicated scanners will give slightly better quality, but like I said, they really aren't being updated anymore, so the flatbeds have caught up to them. ; Drum scanners on the other hand, cost as much as the new 40mp Hasselblad.
  3. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    I am very pleased with my Epson V500


  4. Donald is #1

    Donald is #1 Member

    Thanks! ; To be honest, I didn't even think of looking at flatbed scanners. ; I'll check out both the cannons and epsons.
  5. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    You need a flatbed with a built-in illuminator in the lid for doing transparencies. ; I started with the Epson V300 but returned it because the light was only wide enough for 35mm strips. ; The V500 will do medium format.

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