shoes and other Questions

Discussion in 'Disney Vacation Planning & Transportation' started by I u diseny, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. I u diseny

    I u diseny Member

    ;D hi I know they need to be ; walking shoes, but do they need to be close toes ; to go on the rides ??? ??? ???
    what else should we bring?
    I know we need ; sun tan lotion do we need suff to keep bugs away too ???

    also in the parks do they have bus or trains that take u from one part of the park to the other ; or do u walk every were ???
  2. Sean&Karen

    Sean&Karen Guest

    I always use running shoes because i find that they are better then walking shoes.... I made the mistake of wearing cheep shoes on my first trip down and i will never do that again! I was unable to walk and spent most of the trip sitting down on a Bench

    So i learned this tip: -- It is very important to have good quality shoes, if you cheep out on your walking shoes you will ruin your trip :( --

    I have never had a problem with bugs at Disney, it's a giant theme park so you shouldn't have problems with bugs. (unless it's the "love" bugs in Sept/Oct)

    I was about to point you in the direction of for Bus information then i realized that we don't have anything on the internal bus system. (Minnie we need to fix that)

    If you take a look at our section and pick a hotel, you should see "Transportation" and that will be give some details.

  3. I u diseny

    I u diseny Member

    thanks for the info ,,
    what is alove bug ; ???
    we going up in sept :eek:
  4. Here is a wiki on the love bug.

    In short, they are annoying little bugs that do not bite. I have never needed bug repellent at Disney and have been in Sept.

    As for shoes, I live in Running shoes. I only by good ones though (actually they are my retired marathon shoes). As for going on rides with open toed shoes that is not a problem. My wife wore here crocks (flip flops) the entire time.
  5. Northernmouse

    Northernmouse Member

    I don't understand people that wear flip flops at Disney ; ??? I've never done it myself but it doesn't look comfortable. I usually wear either my running shoes or Crocs. Crocs are great if you like doing the wet rides. ; I've also never needed bug spray in the parks but friends Keving and Kim saw the fireworks from the beach at Carribean Beach Resort and said the mosquitoes were bad and drove them inside.
  6. weemcp

    weemcp Global Moderator Staff Member

    I wore my running shoes around the parks, and kept my flip flops for walking around our resort

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