SI Changes Baylor's Uniforms in Post

Discussion in 'Misc. Posting Board' started by fotodave, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. fotodave

    fotodave Member

    Well here's a giant ethical "no-no" in the world of journalism.

    In the latest issue of Sports Illustrated, an image tech changed the color of the Baylor Bears' jerseys from black to green in a photo in their "Leading Off" section. ;

    The magazine has apologized and will run an correction. ; (link below)

    For those of you who aren't in the journalism world, this is pretty major. You cannot deceive your audience. ;
  2. gary

    gary Member

    Re: SI Changes Baylor's Uniforms in Post

    makes no sense to me. the team colors are whatever they are. not something open to personal taste
  3. Paul

    Paul Member

    Bizarre for sure, but I don't think many would care about jersey color. Colleges sports is such big show business these days it is hardly considered journalistic in my opinion. ; If SI changed the outcome of a catch or field goal for instance then I could see cause for concern. This just seems like some editor changing colors for personal taste.
  4. mSummers

    mSummers Member

    SI Changes Baylor's Uniforms in Post

    It know that's a huge no-no in journalism, but in all honesty, I don't think very many people would have noticed it since many of the teams wear different jerseys on what seems like a weekly basis. ; I don't remember what some teams actual colors are anymore.
  5. fotodave

    fotodave Member

    Ethics, man, Ethics. ; You just dont deceive the audience on anything, no matter how small. ;

    And you can consider sports to be show business all you want, at the end of day, sports journalism is still journalism. ;
  6. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    SI Changes Baylor's Uniforms in Post

    I missed this one the first time around. My opinion is this: you post the picture the way it was shot. Sure you can pretty it up with postprocessing but to fundamentally change an element is just wrong. I am a Philadelphia sports fan and would be irate if someone tried to change the colors of one of my favorite teams uniforms.
  7. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    SI Changes Baylor's Uniforms in Post

    So putting the Flyers in old Devils green and red is a no no?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Hmmm... can't seem to find your Pixelmania shirt order and it seems like your Africa Trek reservation is missing also. ; Too bad, we'll let you know how it was!
  9. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    After reading the linked content from the original post, are the jerseys really black or a dark green? ; They look dark green to me.
  10. fotodave

    fotodave Member

    Thats where I think the error happened. ; They really were black and the image tech most likely thought they were a dark green and adjusted them as he thought they were supposed to be.

    That being said, you double check. There were a lot of photos from that game you could have cross checked.

    Sports Illustrated cut 5 photographers right before the Olympics as well as some editors & image techs. ; This is just a result of that....

    John, nice to see that you lost your African Trek ressie, as a fan of the Orange and Black, I'll gladly take it ;) (j/k)
  11. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    SI Changes Baylor's Uniforms in Post

    You are a Bengals fan Dave?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. fotodave

    fotodave Member

    The Philadelphia Flyers. ; See also Bullies, Broad Street. also Artists, Choke (1996).

    Actually I don't mind the Bengals, nice to see AJ Green doing well. ; Did a portrait session with him once where I had the choice of a small utility closet or large utility closet. ; Used a sheet from Walmart as a background. ; Worked well.

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