Some birds from the Gorilla Falls, er Pangani Forest

Discussion in 'Disney's Animal Kingdom Photos' started by Roger, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    <img src="" />
  2. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    This is a cool shot with the one standing on top of the other.
  3. Kiki

    Kiki Member

    The top one is the male and the bottom one is the get the idea...
  4. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    vaguely reminds me of a weird englebert humperdink song...
  5. Kiki

    Kiki Member

    uh oh...
  6. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    That's just wrong Tim! ;) ;D
  7. Dan

    Dan Member

    The thing is I recently heard that a species of raptor does something like this.. but not for the reasons suggested in this thread. The story was that these birds live in desert regions, where high perches aren't always easy to come by, so a whole family of these birds can "stack" one on top of another on top of a single cactus, sharing the perch.

    I really want to see a picture of that behavior.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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