If you are planning on joining us for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party on Friday, October 21, let it be known that as a group we are attending as our own "living, breathing, photographing Haunted Mansion Graveyard". ; Each person will be wearing a t-shirt that bears a tombstone with their very own customized (and witty) epitaph that is sure to amuse all[nb]or at least get a few eyerolls[/nb]. If you are interesting in purchasing a shirt and joining the rest of us, HERE IS THE LINK TO DO SO. ; Just click the "REPLACE" word on the front and upload your own tombstone image file. ; The back will remain the same for everyone (thanks, Gary). If you would like to order a physical tombstone as a commemorative keepsake of the event, CLICK THIS LINK. ; Finally, to see the write-up about this project and to see an image gallery of completed stones, CHECK OUT "TOMBSTONES OF PIXELMANIA 2011". To get your own tombstone art file, email me with your epitaph of choice and I will create the art file for you and email it back. ; Thank you very much for your support and we all look forward to seeing you at Pixelmania!