Not really. Camera Maker: SONY Camera Model: SLT-A55V Image Date: 2010-12-03 10:10:01 (no TZ) Focal Length: 35mm (35mm equivalent: 52mm) Aperture: f/1.8 Exposure Time: 0.025 s (1/40) ISO equiv: 3200 Exposure Bias: none Metering Mode: Matrix Exposure: shutter priority (semi-auto) White Balance: Auto Flash Fired: No (enforced) Orientation: Normal Color Space: sRGB GPS Coordinate: undefined, undefined Copyright: ©2010 R Longenbach Caption: SONY DSC
3200's not too bad. ; I figured 6400. ; But you did have a pretty slow shutter speed...just enough to cancel out the ride movement. I've shot 3200 and 6400 in that ride - both work, but sometimes 6400 helps keep the shutter speed up just enough in some scenes to avoid bits of blur.
Ugh...haven't yet had that pleasure. ; Funny, before I was into photography, I was annoyed when the rides stopped. ; Ever since, I've WISHED the rides would stop for me! ; And they won't anymore. ; I can't tell you how many times I used to stop in HM...and yet ever since I was armed with an ISo6400 capable camera and an F1.4 lens, I'd give my firstborn to stop that ride at a few key spots.
Nicely done, Roger. ; When I tried to shoot it, the exposure was good for the whole room, but the TV was washed out and my shutter speed was too slow. ; Maybe I'll get it next time. I can remember watching the TV show live in 1969. ; Walter Cronkite kept talking and we almost didn't hear Neil's famous words.
strange how life goes, i can't remember some days what i had for breakfast, but i can still to this day remember leaving the beach, on my schwinn, to bike to a nearby friend's house, to join his parents and sister in the living room to watch this on a black and white tv.
Nice work Roger! ; I was stuck between scenes so I have nothing to add to the "where were you" thread.