Is anyone else not liking the newest update for the Tapatalk app? ; Seems like it is a step back from the previous version to me (but tht's just my opinion). ; And if anyone knows, from within the new app, how do you quote a previous post? Sent by using Tapatalk...
Here, here. I'm sure it won't be so bad once we get used to it. ; It seems like they've sacrificed some of the appropriate simplicity in favor of bells and whistles.
just found it, upper right, but tap on the post you want to quote first. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
I'm not a fan either. ; Fortunately I didn't update my iPad, so I'm sticking with the old version there until they come up with something that's actually better.
I don't know what y'all are talking about, this last update was the best ever. Now it says Pro rather than 2! This post sponsored by Tapatalk j/k
Now that I have gotten used to the new version, I do kind of like it. It has grown on me. The one thing I am not looking forward to this when Tapatalk starts inserting targeted advertisements into the content, as they have alluded to. I am going to do my best to block this, as I see no point to it if TMIP isn't deriving some revenue from it. ;
Well, at least the new version is keeping me logged into the forum... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free