...well not really. Ive jumped onto the Celebrations magazine bandwagon -albeit unofficially. ; My Dad came across Celebrations and asked if it was something I would like for my birthday or Christmas. I said Id never seen it before although everyone raves about it - so I ordered a couple of back issues. I ordered on the 20th and they still haven't come yet. I guess I'm hoping writing about it will make them come faster! ;
Gotta love the speed of the Post. ; You wont be disappointed. ; I have enjoyed each issue. ; I understand that they have a Photo Column each issue and the guy who writes it is pretty good, he even has his own website for Disney Photography!
Great magazine. ; I have gotten it since it's initial issue. ; That guy that writes those photography articles is pretty good. ; I have enjoyed each of them.
Thinking I may have to get this also. ; Just signed up for D23 with my DVC discount. ; Would one more magazine make me any more fanatical? brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
Let's give a shoutout to two other Celebrations columnists: ; Grumpwurst and Allison (from Destinations in Florida; remember her from Pixelmania?).
Oh yeah! I heard Ray was working on a contribution! ; Im sure it will be awesome...I only keep company with awesome people. ; TMIP people LOVE Disney like me therefor = ya'll are awesome! ; 63 Days!!!! (and still no Celebrations magazine )
I was not aware of the other contributors, that is great! ; Do you remember the articles they contributed? ; I am sure I read them alread but it would be nice to go back and look at them again.
I went to the website to look at the subscription and noticed that if I order it today I would get the next issue as my first issue (late Nov/early Dec). ; Might be the cause of your delay? brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
Tim's column is Shutters & Lenses, Allison's is Disney Cuisine, and Ray's is Wandering the World. ; I received my latest issue yesterday, so I'm not sure when you'll get yours.
Hooray! The two issues I ordered FINALLY came today! And so far what I've seen - awesome! Lots of familiar faces in there! ; Asking for a subscription for my birthday or Christmas. May have to pick up a few more back issues!
Im considering it. Found an auction on ebay for a bunch of back issues for cheaper. Keeping my eye on it since the auction has two days to go but looks good!