Anyone else planning a trip to Disneyland this year? I'm not sure yet when I'm going, but it may be soon!
Looks like no on this front. ; Instead I've got two Florida trips planned within the next 11 months! ; Just remember that the HM will be closing in a few weeks for 18 days to switch to Holiday!
Are you keeping up on the dates for Disneyland Halloween party? ; Its being held inside Disneyland this year, in the past it has been at DCA. ; On the nights of the halloween party, DL closes early to those who don't have halloween party tickets. ; Its causing some issue with people on the boards. ; And it may put a damper on your plans. ;
Thanks for the tip. I'm still waiting to find out when a few other things are going on before I plan the trip. I would love to go sometime before Halloween.
We were there Jul 14-Jul 17 (Happy Birthday Disneyland) and had a great time. ; First trip to DL for the boys. ; We will definitely be back after Cars Land opens up. ;
We are staying at the Beach themed Hotel, so that the Disney Magic should be around us for all the time ;